In addition to sending tracked emails with Mailsuite, you can also send documents for signature. Whether it’s a form, a contract, or other type of document, you can easily convert any PDF to a signable document directly in your Gmail inbox. The process is simple and quick for both you and the recipient.
How to Insert a Tracked PDF Document for Signing
There are two ways to send a document for signature, and you can do both inside your inbox.
Using the Compose button
1. In your Gmail inbox, click the arrow next to the Compose button.
2. Then click Signable PDF Document
3. In the pop-up, click Upload PDF for Signing
4. Choose your document and click Open
5. This opens a window to compose an email and inserts the document signature link. Write your email as normal, and when complete, click Send.
In the Compose window
1. In Gmail, click Compose to create a new email.
2. Click the Mailsuite Settings icon and then click Document for Signing.
3. Click Upload PDF for signing and search for the PDF you'd like to be signed in the pop-up. When you’ve selected it, click Open.
4. Then, a button will be added to the email draft that says Click here to sign the document. This will let the recipient access and sign the document.
How can the PDF be signed?
When the recipient opens the tracked PDF they'll see at the bottom of the screen an option to sign the document.
If they click Add signature, a window will open and they'll be able to draw their signature and add it to the document.
Once the PDF document has been signed, the recipient can automatically send it back to you by clicking Yes, Send.
The recipient will also receive a copy of the signed PDF document.
What happens when the tracked and signable PDF is sent back?
When someone sends you a signed PDF, you'll receive an email alert with a link to the signed PDF. You can click View PDF Signed to see the signed document or See full email tracking history to see the tracking data associated with that email, including when the PDF was signed.
In your Mailsuite dashboard, the signing will also be recorded in the tracking activity for the email that was sent with the signable tracked PDF.
You can view the status of all the documents you’ve sent for signing on the Documents page of your Mailsuite dashboard.
Choosing Between Single-Signer or Multiple-Signer Document Delivery
When adding a document for signing, users can now choose how they want to receive the signed documents—either individually as each signer completes their part or as a single document once everyone has signed.
Two Delivery Options:
1. One Document with All Signatures (Multiple-Sign Mode - Default Setting)
- You will receive a single document that includes all recipients’ signatures.
- This document is only sent once everyone has signed.
2. One Document per Signer (Single-Sign Mode)
- You will receive a separate document for each recipient, containing only their individual signature.
- As each person signs, you will receive their signed document immediately.
By default, all recipients must sign before the document is considered fully signed, and the requester will receive a single final version with all signatures.
If you prefer to receive individual signed documents as each person signs, simply check the box when uploading the document for signing.
Frequently asked questions
Can more than one signature be added to the PDF document?
Yes, multiple signatures can be added to the PDF document and in multiple locations.
Can the signature be changed?
Yes, the recipient can edit the signature and/or add a new signature before returning the signed document to the sender. The signature cannot be changed after the signer has completed the signing process.
Can a tracked PDF be signed on a mobile device?
Yes, tracked PDFs can be signed on a mobile device. You can draw the signature with your finger.
How can more signatures be added to the PDF after the first one?
You'd need to click on the signature in the bottom left corner of the screen and drag it across to where you want to place it in the PDF document.
What's the maximum size PDF that can be signed?
PDFs can be a maximum of 10MB.
Are documents signed with Mailsuite legally binding and valid for professional or legal use?
Yes, documents signed with Mailsuite are legally binding and comply with major legal frameworks such as the ESIGN Act in the U.S. and the eIDAS Regulation in the EU, making them valid for both professional and legal use. Mailsuite uses an advanced signature flow that includes both a visual signature (a hand-drawn signature on the PDF) and a digital signature issued by Mailsuite, which provides additional validation and authenticity.
The digital signature ensures the integrity of the document and verifies that it has not been tampered with after signing. To view this digital signature and its details, you can use tools like Adobe Acrobat Reader.
When reviewing signature details in Acrobat Reader, the field labeled "Field" in the Signature Panel corresponds to the code shown in the "Private Document ID" field within the audit trail generated by Mailsuite. This ID helps verify the authenticity of the signed document by matching it with the unique identifier in the audit log.
For further information, visit our Legal Guide for eSignature or contact our support team.