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Quarterly Save 33%
Yearly Save 50%
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$120 $59 billed yearly
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$240 $119 billed yearly
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Our plans

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Select Plan
Email tracking FREE PRO ADV
Unlimited tracking
Real-time desktop notifications
First open alerts
Follow-up alerts
No-reply alerts
Tracking pixel detector
Works with iPhone and Android phone
No Mailtrack signature ad
Track clicks on links
Group emails individually tracked
Campaigns FREE PRO ADV
Campaigns & Reports
up to 10k recipients
Mail merge
Unsubscribe links
Custom unsubscribe links
Bounced detection
Schedule campaigns
Send emails to up to 10k recipients
Documents FREE PRO ADV
Secure document sharing
Document analytics
Real time notifications
Page-by-Page Analytics
Access expiration date
E-Signature FREE PRO ADV
Convert PDF to signable document
Audit trail
PDF attachment eSignature
Contact lists
Contact notes
Reporting FREE PRO ADV
Daily Report
Activity Dashboard
Only first open Full metrics Full metrics
Email tracking history
Only first open Full metrics Full metrics
Email Productivity
Export data to CSV
Email Delivery Certificate (PDF)
Integrations FREE PRO ADV
Salesforce/CRM Integration
Zapier Integration
Email support
Priority support
0 per user / month
Install for Free
$4.99 per user / month
Select Plan
$9.99 per user / month
Select Plan


Welcome to a Better Way to Manage Emails


Seamless integration with Gmail. Simple and elegant interface without invasive features.

Peace of mind

Know when your emails are opened. Avoid misunderstanding and broken communication.

Better insights

Measure the effectivity of your sales emails. Improve open and link click-through rates.

Reliability and Privacy

Fast and accurate email open tracking. High security with 256-bit encryption. No data sharing with third parties.

Activity Dashboard

Activity Dashboard

All your email tracking activity in one place: last emails opened, unopened emails and the last clicked links in your emails.

Real-time Notifications

Real-time Notifications

Receive real-time notification pop-ups when your emails are opened.

Works on Mobile

Works on Mobile

Official Gmail add-on for iOS & Android.

Track and check opens on the go.

Responsive design.

Email Activity

Email Activity

See at a glance inside Gmail your emails’ tracking activity.


And many other features

Link Tracking

Know when your recipients click on the links in your emails.


Receive an email notification if your emails have not been read after 24 hours.

Gsuite Compatible

Install Mailsuite throughout your entire organization in a matter of minutes .

What our customers say

Jannet Skeelsm Realtor at United Real Estate Solutions, Knoxville
I am realtor it’s very important for me to see when my clients open emails I sent. I think anyone who needs a tracking system will find this one exceptional.
Matt Bottoms Director at Scottsdale Christian Academy
I don’t have to wait around for days to wonder if a response is coming or if the email has not even been received due to an address error.
Jonathan Mandell Sales Director at LearnCore, Chicago
Ease of use, alerts, simple interface, very good integration with Gmail.
Trusted by +2M users

Get started and join more than 2,000,000 happy Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack) users

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