Email Like a Pro

The Best Gmail Hacks to Organize Your Inbox, Increase Productivity, and Make Efficiency Gains 

More than a decade ago, a McKinsey report found out that corporate employees spend 28% of their workday handling emails. Cut to 2024, and that percentage has increased. As the dependence on emails has grown, it has led to increased stress in the workplace.  Nearly 70% of employees complain that they don’t have enough time

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Email Like a Pro

How to Organize Gmail: 4 Strategies to Tidy Up Your Inbox Right Now

Organizing your Gmail inbox probably isn’t at the top of your “To Do” list, but you’d be surprised how many positive effects doing this can have. A full inbox not only makes it harder to keep track of your day-to-day tasks, but too many emails can cause you to overlook important information or not respond

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Email Like a Pro

Overcome Email Overload: How to Reach Inbox Zero

Are you scared of opening your inbox because you know it is flooded with emails? If the thought of clutter in your inbox makes you anxious, then you’re most certainly dealing with an email overload. It’s the unfortunate reality of the digital age.  Continue reading to learn how you can identify and tackle inbox overload.

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Email Like a Pro

How Real-Time Email Notifications Can Boost Your Productivity

The average professional spends 28% of the workday attending to emails. With so much time spent in the inbox each workday, one of the best ways to gain visibility on work-related activities and increase productivity is through real-time email notifications.  Real-time notifications are emails delivered to your inbox, alerting you about specific events as they

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Email Like a Pro

Email Productivity: How to Improve Your Mindset (and 7 Strategies to Start Now)

Managing emails is an essential skill in modern workplaces, with more services being delivered digitally and an increasing number of remote workplaces. Therefore, email helps facilitate communications between customers, clients, and co-workers no matter where you are.  However, with all the messages you have to send and manage, from status reports to answering questions, it’s

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Email Like a Pro

Sync Gmail with Outlook Effortlessly in 2024: Your Step-by-Step Tutorial

Running your business may already involve juggling many things. Managing multiple email addresses for your business may make things a little more stressful too, as you’ll have to constantly move between different locations to check your emails and keep up with your correspondence. Having all your emails in one place can make things a little

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Email Like a Pro

11 Save the Date Email Templates You Can Use in 2024

Some dates are more important than others, and some days are so important, that you don't want to forget about them at any cost, or want to make sure, that all your guests don't forget about it!
Email Like a Pro, Productivity tips

Mastering Email Productivity: Tracking and Minimizing Your Inbox Hours

When it comes to a new product or task, you’re often expected to hit the ground running. Unfortunately, poor email management can throw a spanner in the works: if you’re buried with emails, you won’t be able to reach goals on time. Luckily, there are proven ways to sort this problem out. In this guide,

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Mailtrack Tips & Tricks

Can Mailsuite improve your communication?

When dealing with different forms of communication, there are some factors that are really important to consider. One of these is the trust between the sender and the receiver, or the seller and the customer. Another thing you need to consider is the communication channel that you choose. One of the great things about using

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Mailtrack Tips & Tricks, News & Updates, Product Updates

Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack) Campaigns turns Gmail into a mass email tool for up to 10,000 recipients

Count on Mailsuite to send your email marketing campaigns to up to 10,000 contacts at once. Without ever leaving your Gmail app. Sometimes you need to send a mass email to a group of people, such as co-workers, partners, or colleagues. And of course, you want to know if they received your message or not.

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