Only available with Mailtrack Advanced. Upgrade here to unlock this feature.
With Mailsuite, you can send personalized email campaigns with mail merge using Google Sheets.
Here's an example of what a Google Sheets spreadsheet looks like.
To do so:
1) Start composing a new message in Gmail then click on the Campaign option.
2) Click Personalize email.
3) In the pop-up that appears, select the tab From Google Sheets*. Then choose the Google Sheet from which you want to import data. If you don't have any Google Sheets to import, Mailsuite will prompt you to create a new sheet.
To import data successfully, the Google Sheet needs to:
- Have column headers. They need to be in lowercase and one of those headers has to be Email (as shown in the image below).
- Have no blank rows or columns in between data.
- Include a value in every cell in the Email column.
- Have correctly formatted email addresses in the email column. Incorrectly formatted email addresses e.g. or, can't be imported.
- If the sheet has more than one tab then only data in the first tab will be imported.
If the email column in the sheet contains incorrect email values you'll be warned about it and told which cells need correcting before you import the data.
4) Click Import data to add contacts to your campaign as recipients.
Please note that after the data import:
- Recipients can't be added or deleted manually.
Any extra rows you add to the Google sheet afterwards won't be taken into account.
Any changes to the email addresses in the Google sheet won't be taken into account.
Any new variables that weren't there initially won't be taken into account.
You'd need to make the changes to the Google sheet and then start the mail merge process from scratch.
You can change non-email values in the Google sheet, though, and they will apply to the email you finally send out.
In the Recipients field, you'll be able to see a "summary" of the mail merge e.g. X recipients (from Spreadsheet/List). Clicking on the summary will take you to the spreadsheet or list that's being used for the mail merge.
5) Click Add field then select the column in the Google Sheet which you want to use to add personalization. This will add a tag to where the personalized content will appear in the mail. You can move this tag (and even add it to the subject line) if it's not in the place you need the personalization to be.
If there isn't a value in the Google sheet for the personalization, a fallback text or blank space will be added instead.
Links can be used as values and be imported through mail merge to create personalized tracked links.
6) Send your campaign. If data's missing for certain contacts in the Google sheet column Mailsuite will let you know.
*If you've not used mail merge with Google Sheets before, Mailsuite will prompt you to enable this option and request extra permissions.
See also: